
Amateur radio grid map
Amateur radio grid map

amateur radio grid map

(e) Grid boundary lines and grid corners must be established using a GPS receiver whose map datum is set to WGS84, the global default for current GPS receivers. Video footage showing an overview of the operating site and then, uncut and in real time, zooming in on the GPS display coordinates is even better. Two photographs - one showing the placement of the GPS receiver in the station setup, and a close-up legibly showing the GPS reading - are typically needed as evidence of compliance. Operators of boundary/corner stations should be prepared to provide evidence of meeting the simultaneous occupation test if called upon to do so. For a portable station, this means that the total area occupied by the station's physical setup, including operating position(s), power source(s), and antenna(s), must occupy some portion of each of the two/four grid squares simultaneously. For a mobile station, this means parking the vehicle exactly on the line or corner. These stations should be prepared to validate their claim. (d) Stations who claim to operate from more than one grid locator simultaneously (i.e., from the boundary between two grid locators or from the intersection of four grid locators) must be physically present in all locators to give multiple locator credit with a single contact. It is not necessary for an FFMA operation to be on US soil operations from Canadian or Mexican territory or from water within an FFMA-required grid are acceptable. (c) Any portion of an FFMA grid may be worked for FFMA credit. (b) Contacts with aeronautical mobiles (in the air) do NOT count. (a) No contacts through active repeaters or satellites are permitted. An Amateur does not qualify for the FFMA until all 488 required grids are confirmed. The FFMA does not offer any endorsements based on specific modes, nor does it offer any recognition of progress towards the end goal.

amateur radio grid map

Only those contacts dated Januor later are creditable for FFMA purposes.ģ. The FFMA award is available to all amateurs worldwide however, ARRL membership is required for hams in the US, its possessions and Puerto Rico.Ģ.

amateur radio grid map

The ARRL World Grid Locator Atlas and the ARRL Grid Locator for North America are available from the ARRL Publication Sales Department. Send a 9 × 12-inch SASE with 3 units of postage). More information on grid locators can be found in January 1983 QST, pp 49-51 (reprint available upon request. Grid locators are designated by a combination of two letters and two numbers. The Fred Fish Memorial Award (FFMA) is awarded for confirming contact with all 488 Maidenhead grid squares in the 48 contiguous United States on the 6 meter (50 MHz) band. The following is the list of all 488 grid squares that must be confirmed on 6 meters to qualify for the FFMA:ġ.

Amateur radio grid map