The dynamics and thermodynamics of compressible fluid flow. (2005), "Die Entwicklung des Pfeilflügels, eine technische Herausforderung" (PDF), Ludwig Prandtl memorial lecture, GAMM 2005, March 28th - April 1st 2005 (in German), Universität Luxemburg Foundations of aerodynamics: bases of aerodynamic design. Kuethe, Arnold Martin Chow, Chuen-Yen (1976). Discuss your results with respect to the assumptions used to derive the thin airfoil theory and how it may.may be approximated by the velocity induced at the same x position onthe x axis due to a vortex on the x axis: The velocity induced by this bit of vorticity is computed from the basicvortex singularity. The sharp trailing edge requirement corresponds physically to a flow in which the fluid moving along the lower and upper surfaces of the airfoil meet smoothly. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. The basic approximation of thin airfoil theory is that the velocity inducedat some point x due to the vorticity at x'. "The Effect of Compressibility on the Lift of an Aerofoil".

(1940), "Ebene und räumliche Strömung bei hohen Unterschallgeschwindigkeiten: Erweiterung der Prandtl'schen Regel", Lilienthal Gesellschaft (in German), Berlin: Zentrale fuer Wissenschaftliches Berichtswesen (127) Plot of the inverse Prandtl–Glauert factor 1 / β The more correct nonlinear equation does not exhibit the singularity.